Alliance Share

No Fun Allowed
Name No Fun Allowed
Ticker U.MAD
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2009-10-16
Closed 2010-07-18
AllianceID 549172846

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [24]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
DERP HURR DURRDead DERP. 0 2009-10-28 21:17:00 2009-10-30 22:00:09
PS3 Has NoDead GAEMS 0 2009-11-14 19:53:00 2009-11-19 00:35:54
Eltar's Mum is a fat sut FATHO 1 2009-11-29 17:42:00 2009-12-04 22:03:13
Heron Industries .HIN. 4 2009-12-05 20:39:00 2009-12-14 04:37:17
Problematique Inc. F4ULT 2 2009-12-15 21:41:00 2009-12-17 07:39:41
Born To Kill Inc.Dead BTKTM 0 2009-12-22 02:08:00 2009-12-23 15:55:12
Broski North U.MAD 35 2009-12-05 20:39:00 2009-12-27 21:58:42
Interstellar Mining Co. OSULF 10 2009-10-30 22:25:00 2010-01-26 09:22:35
laughingelfman .JPEG 2 2010-01-07 20:00:00 2010-01-29 08:26:13
Mirai Yume MIRAI Brave United 15 2009-12-14 03:20:00 2010-02-12 20:54:13
The Great ArmadaDead -ARM- 0 2010-02-02 20:43:00 2010-02-15 00:55:56
Peripheral Madness PERIP 21 2010-02-14 22:43:00 2010-03-22 05:13:11
Broski EnterprisesDead .BRO. 0 2009-10-18 10:34:00 2010-03-26 21:27:58
Sista Innovations UGUUU 4 2009-12-19 22:52:00 2010-03-27 22:29:13
BroHoles and Co.Dead BH.CO 0 2010-03-12 23:11:00 2010-03-29 20:07:24
The Lazy Hookers LZHKR 4 2010-02-02 21:43:00 2010-04-05 21:28:30
LaughingGirls.jpg OHU 2 2010-03-12 23:11:00 2010-05-01 01:48:51
Sista Innovations UGUUU 4 2010-04-13 22:41:00 2010-07-18 11:56:29
Brosko Ontorproisos WOLL 2 2009-11-30 01:19:00 2010-07-18 11:56:29
Bro Tech BRO.T 2 2009-10-19 03:34:00 2010-07-18 11:56:29
U MAD Holdings Inc.Dead URMAD 0 2009-10-16 03:19:00 2010-07-18 11:56:29
Nocturne No.2 CHOPN 2 2009-11-25 05:26:00 2010-07-18 11:56:29
The Great ArmadaDead -ARM- 0 2010-04-13 22:41:00 2010-07-18 11:56:29
Broski EnterprisesDead .BRO. 0 2010-05-04 23:56:00 2010-07-18 11:56:29
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