Alliance Share

Middle Aged Mayhem
Name Middle Aged Mayhem
Ticker M
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2015-06-28
Closed 2016-03-30
AllianceID 99005604





Middle Aged Mayhem is an alliance founded in the belief that real life comes first and having fun and a good laugh with friends is more important than getting bogged down with a second job, whcih we all know Eve can become!

We're looking for like minded corporations to join us! There's no cost for being in the alliance, just have a laugh, make friends and enjoy the game.

We've been around in many guises for the last 10 years and we're happy to dabble in anything Eve has to offer, so if you're an industrial corp, a missioning corp, a PVP corp or even a WH corp come and have a chat with us here:
Middle Aged Mayhem and see if we're a good fit for you and what we have to offer.

Please contact:
Kusunadi Duval for all diplomatic needs.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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