

Abby's Lab
Name Abby's Lab
Ticker CGIS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Diana Kinkaid
Members 16
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1890849108

Members [16]


Abby's Lab is an industrial corps that operates primarily out of the Misneden system in Sinq Laison. We pursue Ice and turn it into useable minerals.

Abby's Lab is currently training and saving for investment in a Rorqual, Pilot's Licensing Fees for no less than 4 of our members, and POS management. We are expecting to be able to move to a nice, quiet Lo Sec system within the next few months, where we will continue mining operations whilst living out of our POS. No more Government Stations, rar!!

There is no war without industry, for without lead, there can be no bullets.

If you cannot stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them.

If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can read it in English, thank a Soldier.

Ender Black
Angus McDecoy
Priest Kristoph
Rundle Allnighter
Connall Tara
Alekseyev Karrde
The Mittani
Roc Wieler

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 21:01:52
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