

Advanced Astronautics and Co.
Name Advanced Astronautics and Co.
Ticker 01MPS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Chip Bildar
Members 1
Tax Rate 0.1%
corporationID 98526320

Members [1]


u'\u273c Advanced Astronautics & Co. \u273c

Neutral & industrial focused organisation in New Eden.

Factories & Stations:

Avesber - A A - T2 Factory Compo S-M ships

Avesber - A A - Reprocessing Plant

Rent an office
You\'ll have 50% less FacilityTax for your corp,
+ other reduction on services (clone bay, market, reprocessing).

Offices renting: 800 000 ISK

Our Facility Tax: variable following the SIC + other parties\'s tax.
The FacilityTax is calculated after/on the SysIndexCost,
Ex. (in short, ignoring other taxes):
(est.Item Value) * (SysIndexCost) = GrossJobCost
FinalJobCost = GrossJobCost + (GrossJobCost * FacilityTax)
est.Item Value = 100m
SysIndexCost = 1%
FacilityTax = 10%
GrossJobCost = 100M * 0,01 = 1M ISK
FinalJobCost = 1M + (1M * 0.10) = 1.1M ISK'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-26 21:06:18
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