

Alterari Phoenix's Fish Net and Sundress Emporium
Goonswarm Federation
Name Alterari Phoenix's Fish Net and Sundress Emporium
Ticker FSHNT
Alliance Goonswarm Federation
Faction -
Ceo Goth Muscle Mommy
Members 2
Tax Rate 69%
corporationID 98745567

Members [2]


Founded January 1st, 2000, FSHNT is the premier corporation for all the things that make Alterari Phoenix's knees shake.

Originally founded as a place for milennial teens to find their style throughout the 2000s, FSSHNT has reopened its doors following the 2020 annoucnment of the MCR reunion tour. We exist as a monument of appreciation for goth girls, muscle mommies and cougars alike.

We have no relation with and are currently taking legal action against Alterari Phoenix's Home For Divorced Cougars and The Brisc Rubal Home for Hot Unwed Mothers.

Please send any submissions to Alterari Phoenix
Any complaints can be forwarded to Ceema

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 02:43:15
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