

Astrin Capsuleer Group
Name Astrin Capsuleer Group
Ticker ASTCG
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98786660

Members [0]


Founded in late YC126, the Astrin Capsuleer Group is a self-styled civilian capsuleer organization headquartered above Astrin (Luminaire III). The Group's declared mission is to assist other groups of civilian capsuleers - be they scientific, industrial, or civil-defense - in networking with each other and sharing resources, both for the betterment of those groups, as well as the general populace of the Federation.

In and of itself, the Group is not an entity that wishes to compete directly with any entity it works with. Still, it will participate and provide support in such endeavors to ensure mutual success.

An infomorphic reconstruction of the corporate headquarters office, in the Duvolle Laboratories orbital facility in orbit above Astrin's moon, is available for non-sensitive dealings. This may include seeking to join the rolls, however that will be quickly shunted off to a private channel if sought.

The Astrin Capsuleer Group is also the diplomatic corps of the Luna Consortium at this time. Diplomatic inquiries for the Consortium can be directed to the Group.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-15 06:15:13
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