

Aurora Inc
Name Aurora Inc
Ticker PLUPP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Savvos slyna
Members 2
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98292589

Members [2]


Aurora Inc is a PvP corporation based in nullsec.

We value kills over paps/faps and other participation measurements (but we do have certain recruirements.)

What we are Looking for:
- Selfsufficient at making ISK.
- Working mic and teamwork attitude
- Willingness to PvP (Preferably an obsession)
- Blops and capital pilots are preffered.
- EU tz or weird UStz work schedule!

What we offer.

- 0.0 SOV (Ratting, indy backbone etc)
- Blops, Blops, Blops.
- Motivated and active leadership.
- Drunk roams.
- Sober roams :(

Join: Aurora INC Recruitment Or Contact Equinox Starborn or Savvo yassavi for an interview

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 00:35:40
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