

Avalon's Army Corp
Name Avalon's Army Corp
Ticker AV-A
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo uther dracus
Members 6
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 264090584

Members [6]


u'This is a corp set up to help noobs to get to know EVE better in a friendly and helpful environment. Some of the many goals that we have as a corp include make isk, have fun, help the members of the corp to progress in any manner that we can and help our alliance when ever and however we can.


\u263c Willingness to help other corp and alliance members
\u263c Have an idea of what you want to do in EVE (goals)
\u263c Limited API and user ID(for promotions and awards)
\u263c Desire to work as a team, and grow as an individual or a team
\u263c Real life comes first EVE second

Things our corp offers:

\u263c Active and growing community on EVE and off
\u263c PvP, Mining, Mission Running
\u263c 100 member plus alliance
\u263c Training/tips for new players
\u263c Hi-Sec Office
\u263c Mission (level 4) / Mining opps (Orca support available)
\u263c Earned rank structure (skill sets, awards, accomplishments ect.)

Contact uther pindragon Aviian1214 or Ruok Rocco for more information.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 07:22:19
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