

Big Bulging Brown Blob of Bambi's BBQ'd Boogers
Name Big Bulging Brown Blob of Bambi's BBQ'd Boogers
Ticker 7XB
Alliance -
Faction Gallente Federation
Ceo StinkoPants
Members 3
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 619618330

Members [3]


Welcome to the description page of our humble corporation. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about various random things to keep you preoccupied, while we cause your ship to implode into tiny bits of amorphous space particles. Ah! there we are, all done. You may now continue on with your day. Please fly unsafe, and when engaged, remember to fly in a serpentine pattern.

We are a fun-loving, active corp, that strives to excell in the world of PVP.

Our recruitment is very particular:
You must try to keep a decent security status (Having negative status has no advantages, only restrictions; is easily noticed on your overview, and lets your enemy know you like to PVP............never let your enemy know anything if you can help it)
Be good at PVP.
Have no problems with living primarily in lowsec.
Desire to be apart of a group that emphasizes teamwork, while still not shunning the solo moments of space travel.

We do not condone piracy.
We consider piracy to be the following: High-Sec ganking; everything else is considered perfectly allowable.

We will not recruit "Role-Players" of any kind; if you wish to Role-Play, you do so at the other end of our weapons.

We are now recruiting, contact StinkoPants for details

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-04 08:45:15
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