

Brave Little Toaster's
Name Brave Little Toaster's
Ticker BRAVT
Alliance -
Faction Amarr Empire
Ceo The Hovanni Ovanni
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98254154

Members [2]


Religions like so many things began when Man looked upon the skyes and said -"I belong there, I'm on with the gods". So Man rose himself out from the abyss, to build a new home for himself in the dark unknown depths of space. Expacting that this ascension, that this englightment would unify and strenghten him.

But the darkness fought back and Man turned on Man. Metal gear moths roamed the skyes and gorging themselves on lesser creatures and somewhere along the line - we found our true nature.

The Man is the destroyer of things and is his own viscous matser of his savage domain.

We've our own place in the universe. We're the revolutioneries, we are the usurpers to the heavinly throne of Jita, we're the enemies of legit gameplay!

Yea not really.. We're a factional warfare gang of Swedish origin, so if you're Danish - shut it.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 03:14:34
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