

EvE'nt Horizon
Name EvE'nt Horizon
Ticker VEHZ
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Skimp Skimpy
Members 2
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98528133

Members [2]


We are the rightous saviours of this promised land, and we will bring war to placid, cleansing it of the scourge that plagues it. if you want to join our holy quest of eradication of the cockroaches that infect the sacred region, join us, for none survives beyond the Event Horizon

Join, for we must take on the holy duties of our ancestors. Purge Placid with your unbridled fury. Diplomacy is no option, for our duties are sacred. There is no reasoning against our gods divine will, he has tasked us with a great task.

Join, for you must uphold your duties as a citizen of this galaxy, join because you must fight for your home, this region of space we claim as our own, yet let it stay infested, and our people will suffer.

The Great Cleansing Has Begun.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-04 19:40:20
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