

Ex's in Fleet Ind.
Name Ex's in Fleet Ind.
Ticker XFLT.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Sir Drakonium
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98766454

Members [1]


Welcome to XFLT, the clandestine force shaping the research and manufacturing landscape in New Eden. As the enigmatic architects of progress, XFLT stands as the pivotal holding corporation, strategically positioned in NullSec with subsidiaries extending our influence across the stars.

XFLT specializes in providing state-of-the-art research and manufacturing structures to the public industry sector. Rooted in the chaos of NullSec, our commitment transcends the shadows, offering affordable and reliable services to those navigating the relative safety of high-security space. Our structures, emblazoned with the XFLT insignia, serve as beacons of innovation, empowering capsuleers with the tools they need to forge a future within the vast expanse of New Eden. Seamlessly integrated with our subsidiaries, we create a network of mutual benefit and shared success, ensuring that our clients thrive in the dynamic realm of research and manufacturing. Step into XFLT, where secrecy meets industry, and unlock a realm of possibilities within the heart of New Eden's technological frontier.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 07:41:08
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