

Foundation for Law and Justice
Name Foundation for Law and Justice
Ticker FLJ
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Anver Morinth
Members 1
Tax Rate 3.5%
corporationID 766464439

Members [1]


The basis of law and justice is charity. If you like helping others, and don't mind being helped yourself, please join our corporation.

We have a 40 member cap. All members are encouraged to make as many friends as possible outside the corporation, and to give aid to members and non-members alike. We are more than willing to take on newbies and help them grow into good pilots who can contribute to EVE.

The game is teamwork, cooperation, working hard for each other. Currently seeking recruits, esp. those willing to fill officer positions and accept responsibilities.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-01 19:36:52
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