

Name K162'S
Ticker KI62
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Bella Marie-GW
Members 8
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98466542

Members [8]



Some players, such as carebears or nullbears, may pretend to be dead as a defense mechanism.

A strategy these bears have though. You\u2019ve seen it before, but maybe never thought about it. They freeze, then play dead.

When a carebear or a nullbear freezes, they can remain almost entirely motionless for minutes at a time. Try it yourself. Whatever position you\u2019re in right now, move nothing at all for the next minute. It\u2019s not so easy!

The reason an ability to freeze works as a defense is that a predator\u2019s attack behavior may actually be triggered by motion. A frog, for example, will literally starve to death in a box full of dead flies. Pass one of those flies in front of its eyes on a little string, though, and it will automatically gulp it down.

The response to freeze is completely hard-wired, so freezing shows us something about both predator and prey.Some players, such as carebears or nullbears, may pretend to be dead as a defense mechanism.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 03:05:00
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