

Loki's Legion
Name Loki's Legion
Ticker L.L.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Pneumonia
Members 34
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 2028025292

Members [34]


A new storyline is about to begin, make your enquiry within, to reveal the hidden?

A closely clandestine corporation!

Loose lips sink ships,

The price therefore is dear, and evidence of loyalty neccesary before we share!

Although our corporation itself was established an impressive 15+ years in the distant past, by our glorius founder Pneumonia and up until very recently our CEO, as well as commander of fleet and starbase commander, we had existed since the opening of the Eve portal, under names now dare not mentioned.
Those days of warring, lawlesness and piracy were over long ago.

For many years after we spent our time learning and in discovery, refining our skills in all areas.
Knowledge is power and experience gives rise to wisdom, we have both.

In our corporation foremost we have invested our heart, as well as our time and money actively for a decade and a half sucessfully.

Those that are, undergo a lengthy trail period, testing their loyalty and commitment, and in these times this applies now so more than ever! After proving themselves true, they are welcomed as members to a family, all of which, excepting one heretic, remain loyal today.

Our mighty and profitable stations once florished in numerous class 4 wormholes throughout space.

Now the end is neigh we are focusing on a new revolution for our soultion.

The winds of change aren't blowing enough we need every capsuleers breath this year!

r soulrider1066

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 07:36:35
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