

Lone Commander's Starbase
Name Lone Commander's Starbase
Ticker LCOST
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Anna-Sharii Seth
Members 5
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98645465

Members [5]


Hello 'lone Commander!

Everyone lost,
Everyone alone out there in the dark.

Let's take care about us, by helping each other.
Let's be a family, by laughing together while we do what we do.
Let's grow together, keep inviting, keep growing, think bigger than before.

Let's be somethin' like:

"the last one...the greatest one;
alone but now united,
flyin' Gentleman's, flyin' real Lady's. Known as the Members of Lone Commander's Starbase!"

If you are alone there, far outside in the space,
feel free to send me a simply

"Hello 'lone Commander!"
and i'll answer you!
"You are welcome 'lone

i can speak English, German & Rumanian and i invite you to join me, everyone who wants a friendly family!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 16:57:47
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