

Mordu's Foreign Legion
Name Mordu's Foreign Legion
Ticker COMLE
Alliance -
Faction Caldari State
Ceo Kendo Utama
Members 5
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98414924

Members [5]


Although during the Gallente-Caldari War Mordu's Legion under the command of the Caldari State officer Muryia Mordu was a foreign legion itself, the Mordu's Legion Command also solely accepted recruits of Intaki or Caldari descent in their ranks - and to date still prefers them to other races. But to cope with the ever increasing demand for security and military services throughout the cluster, Mordu's Legion Command recently decided to open up recruitment regardless of ancestry by establishing their own foreign legion.

Mordu's Foreign Legion constitutes a completely separate military unit not directly under Mordu's Legion Command, though apart from parentage the same high recruitment standards apply. However, the highest officer ranks within the foreign legion are still reserved to Caldari and Intaki veterans. Both legions share joint infrastructure in the U-7RBK constellation in Pure Blind and utilize the same highly sophisticated line of ships consisting of Garmur, Orthrus and Barghest.

The Mordu's Foreign Legion operates throughout the whole cluster and offers primarily mercenary services. It is renowned for its rapid and sustained deployment, skilled personnel, advanced arming and high efficiency.

For further questions or inquiries please contact our liaison officer Kendo Utama.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-28 06:47:23
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