

New Eden Stargate Maintenance Services
Name New Eden Stargate Maintenance Services
Ticker NESMS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Miau Indeed
Members 4
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98396285

Members [4]


Stargates are New Edens backbone. Thousands of capsuleers use stargates multiple times a day without even contemplating the technical background of such machinery. These technological achievements made travelling from one solar system to another a quite pleasant and short activity. This advancement isn't free, however.
Such complex and futuristic devices need maintenance quite often to work like capsuleers expect them to do. Up to the day this company was founded, nobody really took dedicated care of stargate maintenance.

To address this problem, we initiated New Eden Stargate Maintenance Services!
As you already might have witnessed: New Edens Stargates work with almost 0% failure - they are online 23.5 hours a day - for your pleasure!
This is our accomplishment - thanks to our mechanics and coordinators jumping through stargates is as safe as never before!

Unfortunately this comes at a price. Our company is small and the sheer number of stargates that need maintenance is enormous. We all are stargate-enthusiasts, so we surely work for free, but we also accept donations if you are satisfied with our services.
(You can send ISK directly to Miau Indeed, CEO of New Eden Stargate Maintenance Services)

But besides the money:
We want you to think about us everytime you use a stargate, that is our reward.
Thank you for reading and have a nice jump!

New Eden Stargate Maintenance Services

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-27 08:42:02
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