

Nova Invictus Legion
Name Nova Invictus Legion
Ticker NOVIC
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo AmityAffliction
Members 2
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 465599205

Members [2]


We are the Nova Invictus Legion.

- Our corp is divvied into four Divisions:

We have multiple openings with lots of opportunity for advancement. We are in need of experienced players so, anyone interested in leading a fastly growing corporation, please contact Snapshot1406


- Daily mining operations
- Mission Running
- PvP and PvE
- Ops Escorts
- Trade Route Running
- 2 lowsec roams per week, at least
- Weekly fleet movement and combat ops classes, All Hands

We will expand to exploration, nullspace ops, wormhole ops and such once the corp grows

We are looking for:

- Both experienced and non-experienced players, no specific SP level required
- 18 years old or older please. Our corp is for mature adults only.
- People who understand that, while EVE is fun, real-life has priority
- Indy guys, pvp and pve pilots, haulers, engineers, miners, manufacturers... we'll take any and all comers. Everyone can find a home here

Our structure allows everyone the same chance for advancement and makes sure everyone has something to do and work towards while they are on.

For more information or to find out more, contact snapshot1406.

Semper Fidelis,

Nova Invictus Legion CEO

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-27 07:27:09
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