

Name PhantomRebels
Ticker PREBS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo MadMax Eto
Members 15
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98037770

Members [15]


Established 2011 and lead by MadMax Eto

Phantom Rebels is a hisec Caldari based corporation focused on group missions, mining, wormhole exploration, ratting, industry and more.
We are new pilot friendly and provide wormhole / exploration lessons and free PvP ships subject to availability. Low tax. Pilots interested in joining must have Discord and a mic.

Friendly community of established vet and new pilots.

Our Corpration Website: offers forums, interal affairs (for pilot reporting) and much more.

Chief Executive Officer: MadMax Eto
Chief Human Resource Officer: Zhadar Hagleeve

Reporting a Diplomatic Incident? See here

For alliance offers contact: MadMax Eto

PhantomRebels - Seeking All Pilots - Come join us today!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 23:47:42
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