

Providence Airwaves
Name Providence Airwaves
Ticker PRAW
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Mikial Karlock
Members 6
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98007444

Members [6]


Providence Airwaves was started as an industry and PVE corporation for people of all ages that want a clean and respectful environment to play Eve. Our goals are about working together and protecting one another to achieve the most fun we can have. The corporation is also an open book. Nothing is kept secret from its members. Any policy may be changed by members of the corporation at any time through discussion and voting.

No one is getting rich off of Providence Airwaves. All corp taxes all go towards funding corp ops and achieving corporate goals. The tax may be changed at any time through the same discussion and vote. Screen shots of the corporate wallet and transactions will be posted any time a corp member requests it.

Providence Airwaves has many short and long term goals. We seek to develop as many ties as possible with other player corporations and to maintain high standings with all four major empires to allow our members to run missions where ever they'd like. We regularly purchase BPO's and offer their use to our members. The corp offers free T1 frigates, destroyers, cruisers, industrial ships, Retrievers and Skill Books to its members. We've established ourselves in a good, asteroid rich system with level 4 missions, and level 1,2, & 3 missions all within a couple of jumps.

To break it down, if you want to be in a corp that will respect you and that gives you a voice in the corp, you may find your place in Providence Airwaves.

If you want to learn more, eve mail Gortaak or join "PA Recruitment" chat.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-27 08:48:15
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