

Sloth Corporation
Name Sloth Corporation
Ticker HTOLS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Boost Fumimasa
Members 1
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98293917

Members [1]


Who We Are
Sloth Corporation is seeking friendly, respectful, active, (preferably) English-speaking capsuleers of all ages (both on Planet Earth and in New Eden) to accommodate our increasingly widespread interstellar infrastructure.
We are a small, close-knit, goal-oriented Industrial organization currently comprised of North American capsuleers, although we are actively searching for European and Australian partners to enable 24-hour operations. While mining and resource processing are our main areas of focus, we delve into market operations, production, exploration, and combat initiatives. We are currently situated in Caldari space.
Any and all player input is valued and considered. No decision is made without group consultation and, if merited, a subsequent vote. The goals are generally group-oriented, but any play-style is welcome and all members are free to play the game however they choose without pressure.

What We Do
-Hi-Sec Mining Operations
-Lo-Sec/WH Mining Operations
-Mission-running (all levels)
-WH Exploration/Scanning
-Market Operations
-Research & Development
-PVP/PVE Roams

Why Choose Us?
-Active Members
-Orca and market-haul support
-Mineral Buy-Back Program (98% price of Jita) [optional]
-Substantial mining fleet bonuses
-"Perfect Refine" Capabilites
-Replacement fleet, surplus gear, and discretional funds available to all established members
-Decisions are made as a group and every member has valued input

We highly encourage you to submit an application to Sloth Corporation, or to reach out to Hume Mudaesi, or alternatively, to our CEO Boost Fumimasa, if you are interested and would like to know more about us. We would greatly appreciate if you provided your playstyle, approximate age and time-zone, short-and-long term goals within New Eden, and any additional information when you contact us.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-26 20:25:04
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