u'The Black Bha\u2019lir is an Intergalactic Industrial Manufacturing Corporation which produces aircrafts, aerospace systems, lubrication systems, toiletpaper and other Eve-stuff.
The company employs Dutch and English hard working citizens for over many decades now, and has facilities all over Solitude.
Our current activities include Mining, Manufacturing, Research, Exploration, Mission Running and PvP, working toward the goal of Global Galactic Domination\u2026
We are currently looking for more Capsuleers to join our corporation, so feel free to apply... we need more potato slicers\u2026.
For diplomacy contact CEO BlacklineVW or send a mail to \u201cThe Black Bha\u2019lir\u201d.'
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 20:14:10