

The D'Haran Empire
Name The D'Haran Empire
Ticker DHE1
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Verelias
Members 1
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1963818167

Members [1]


The D'Haran Empire

>Currently based in Caldari space in the Ruvas system
>Operating in UK and all US timezones.
>New players will always be welcome
>Assistance/advice available for new players
>Prefer 18+, but if you can fool us, that works :P.
>Prefer players not on trial accounts, but exceptions may be made on a case by case basis
>Ship replacement available to a degree. we'll cover cruisers and lower:P
>Random Fun competitions for various prizes
>Missioning fleet(at least 1 time per week)
>Mining ops (at least twice per week)
>PVP ops (mostly self defense in war, and random tournies)
>Wormhole ops as often as we find them
-Everyone is welcome to attend any of these events(new or older players)

*No Pirates!...ok Pirates, but no murderous activities....ok murderous activities, Just be sneaky about it!

We are a friendly bunch, crazy, but friendly, and were looking for more crazy, friendly people who want to have a great time, meeting new people and doing things together as a corp/alliance .We are looking for people who are serious about being an active participating member, but are still laid back enough to laugh if they get blown up or laugh at a stupid joke. We are trying to learn everything we can, and make a few friends along the way. after all. allies and friends will help us when we make our move to take over the eve-verse.

Chain of Command

-Cybore Stormshadow - PVE fleet commander

-Purgatory88 - PVE Fleet Commander
-Flockman - PVP ops Commander, PVE fleet Commander

First File Captain :
-Arbitrage Marchand - Mining ops Commander

-Rank List
1. First File Captain
2. First File Soldier
3. First File Recruit
4. Reaver General
5. Reaver Commander
6. Reaver Juicer
7. Reaver Captain
8. Reaver Raider
9. Reaver
10. Vegabond

Special Rank List

1. Soldati Dimiye
2. Warlord
3. Techno Mage
4. Naurni Shadow Trader
5. Naurni Trader
6. Naurni Transporter

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 05:15:57
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