

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Name The Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Ticker DPRK
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Kim Jongll
Members 4
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98007470

Members [4]


u"DPRK Diplomacy channel.

The Great Leader said:
'The Juche Idea means, in brief, that the masters of the Revolution and Socialist Construction are the masses of the people.'

The Democratic People\u2019s Republic of Korea is an independent socialist state that represents all the interests of the Korean people. The old exploiter capitalist class is a thing of the past, and today, the various sectors of traders, peasants and industrial workers, who once labored as pawns on a private-property chessboard, have become proud, dignified socialist workers.

These workers \u2013 the peasants and the intellectuals \u2013 are united, working for common goals so that all the people in the nation form one massive, inseparable political-ideological unit.

The main tasks of the government of the republic are to bring about total socialism in North Korea and to achieve peaceful reunification with south Korea completely independent of external forces. This will mark the achievement of national independence on the whole of the Korean Peninsula.

Today, the Democratic People\u2019s Republic of Korea is a genuine workers\u2019 state in which all the people are completely liberated from exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the true masters of their destiny and are in a unique position to defend their interests.

Democratic Centralism is the guiding principle of the political organization of the nation.
All political organs are elected by the masses, to whom they must answer. Administrative branches are created by the political organs, and these administrative branches operate under the vigilance of local councils, which in turn are overseen by central authorities. Workers are encouraged to participate broadly in state matters. The government of the republic adheres to the paradigm of \u201cThree Revolutions: Ideological, Technical, and Cultural.

The emblem of the Democratic People\u2019s Republic of Korea is comprised of a large hydroelectric plant with a bright five-pointed star in the foreground surrounded by sheaves of rice and a red ribbon on which \u201cthe Democratic People\u2019s Republic of Korea\u201d is emblazoned.

The red star and beams represent the glorious revolutionary exploits achieved by the Great Leader Kim Il Sung and inherited by the Republic. They also represent the great future of the Korean people, forever united around the Leader and in inexorable advance toward the peaceful reunification of the country and victory of the Juche Idea.

The hydroelectric plant represents the independent and cutting-edge industry that has its base in heavy industry and the working class. The sheaves of rice symbolize the developed rural economy and the peasants.

The red ribbon stands for the unity and cohesion of the Korean people based on the great Juche Idea and the eternal validity of its power. The formal name of the state is inscribed on it.

The flag of the DPRK features a wide band of red in the middle, united by two thin white bands in the upper and lower zones, and in the extreme upper and lower zones two blue bands. The center is adorned with a red five-pointed star on a white disc on top of the red band. The proportion between the width and longitude of the flag is 1 X 2.

The red star has the same meaning as the emblem, and the red band represents the noble patriotic spirit of the revolutionary martyrs who gave their lives for the restoration of the Motherland and its freedom.

The white disc and the two thin white bands symbolize the homogeneity of the Korean nation with its ancient, brilliant culture and its patriotic, valiant, diligent, formidable, heroic people.

The two blue bands show the sublime determination of the Korean people to fight alongside all the people of the world for the ultimate victory of national sovereignty, peace, and international friendship."

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Last Update: 2025-03-04 07:20:43
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