

The Last Brotherhood
Name The Last Brotherhood
Ticker L.B.H
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo COL Slauder
Members 2
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1210369329

Members [2]


There is an Ancient legend telling of four brotherhoods that ruled The univers of Eve on peace and Happieness. But as the legend continues it tells of the rise of the Four Factions of Eve. At first the brotherhoods believed they could live peacefully with the newly developed factions. But they were terribly wrong and in one last final stand the four Brotherhoods united to create the Talmashi. And in the final Battle the Talmashi confronted the armadas of the four factions with there worldships and their most powerfull fleets. But in the end the Factions prevailed and all but one of the worldships were obliterated. The lone Worldship escaped taking with it the last of the Talmashi and there fleets. The Factions Realizing what they had done eraised all memory of the Talmashi and claimed the Univers of Eve for their own. Now the Talmashi have returned once again from the depths of space to bring peace and happieness to the univers of Eve. We are the Talmashi. We are The Last Brotherhood.

CEO: Tyberiuos
Recruitment: Tyberiuos , Sunsui
industry: Kadague
Diplomat: Tyberiuos
Marketing: archangel19
Military: Tyberiuos , Karrde Vanda

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-27 07:38:49
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