

Veteran's Security Task Force
Name Veteran's Security Task Force
Ticker V T F
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Tophand
Members 3
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1303305247

Members [3]


We are a Combat/Security Corp. with the mission of assisting other Alliance members in protecting all Alliance Members, Assets, and Friendlies. We strive to uphold certain Values: Duty, Honor, Courage, Loyalty, Respect for others, Selfless Service, Integrity, Honesty. These Values reflect not just who we are, but also what we are, and what we can become. We are the purveyors of Justice, are you ready to join us.

Veteran's Security Task Force is looking for pilots.
Plus Security/API required
Hisec - Gallante Space
Ship fitting program for Frig/dessy size ships
All races ok
Office in Grinacanne
Visit (V T F Lounge) or Convo Tophand

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 13:52:08
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