

Name Vipres'
Ticker VIPRE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Gumble D'Skills
Members 5
URL http://In Creation
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 98284796

Members [5]



Theres plenty of stuff we can write in this slot - I could tell you about how much we bring to the table, about how exciting or how wonderful it is to be apart of the Vipres, but lets be honest, selling bullshit is for politicians.

What the Vipres is about:

Founded by Ensign Lyon and Crissy Boielle, the Vipres had a vision to become something greater than another nameless corp roaming the fringes of low sec and null sec looking for endless fights.

Well, basically thats what we do - roam low sec getting into fights, specilizing in small group action, however a corp wide roam is not out of the equation.

But we are more than that. While we are still small, current members indulge in Trading, Mining, industry and of course missions

While your with us you can be sure that there won't be any crazy war declerations for no reason, we won't kill or betray each other, because above all else from past (and present) experience with other corps our members have learnt that loyaltee is everything.

So what we are about:

Victory in Battle
In War Victory
Persistance and Dedication
Resiliance in the face of Defeat
Enjoy the game and thoes you fight with
Stand Fast, Stand Strong, Stand Together

-The Vipres Creed

So basically thats us, we like a good fight, but we would like to have miners and industry folk along for the ride, its a game after all and we want to enjoy as well as play the game. So whether your looking for PVP, PVE or just to get your industry on, Ensign Lyon and the team are willing and able to help you navigate Eve Online.

And in the immortal words of Michael Palin (though somewhat edited)

"Come Join with us here in the (Vipres), It really is something other than else!"

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 07:31:31
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