Corporation - Description - 2014-09-14 09:17:25 - Live Ticker



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 Official empire academy of The Rising Stars. Official empire academy of The Rising Stars.
 The Academy operates in highsec and lowsec and is welcoming both new and intermediate players. The Academy operates in highsec and lowsec and is welcoming both new and intermediate players.
 Focused on PvP training and ops, further enhanced by frequent wars, but we also do teambased PvE together. You're free to try almost anything you like while training in the Academy as long as you respect our rules and guidelines to create a better atmosphere for everyone. One thing you will most definitely find in the Academy are friendly players who like to enjoy this game together! Focused on PvP training and ops, further enhanced by frequent wars, but we also do teambased PvE together. You're free to try almost anything you like while training in the Academy as long as you respect our rules and guidelines to create a better atmosphere for everyone. One thing you will most definitely find in the Academy are friendly players who like to enjoy this game together!
 Those members who successfully pass the Academy and have proven that they are team players will be given the chance to become a member of The Rising Stars. Those members who successfully pass the Academy and have proven that they are team players will be given the chance to become a member of The Rising Stars.
 The Rising Stars is a corporation focused mainly on nullsec PvP. We're part of a stable alliance with both big fleet battles smaller roams. The Rising Stars is a corporation focused mainly on nullsec PvP. We're part of a stable alliance with both big fleet battles smaller roams.
 In The Rising Stars you will... In The Rising Stars you will...
 - Fight against the toughest pvp pilots. - Fight against the toughest pvp pilots.
 - Play with use of professional fleet voice comms. - Play with use of professional fleet voice comms.
 - Learn to survive in the deepest regions of 0.0. - Learn to survive in the deepest regions of 0.0.
 - Take part in exciting PvP from small gangs to big fleet fights with experienced FCs. - Take part in exciting PvP from small gangs to big fleet fights with experienced FCs.
 - Defend your assets in a group of specialized people. - Defend your assets in a group of specialized people.
 - Discover all the features of 0.0 that you cannot find in empire space. - Discover all the features of 0.0 that you cannot find in empire space.
 You will meet people from all over the world and work together to get the most out of this very complex game while making friends for life. You will meet people from all over the world and work together to get the most out of this very complex game while making friends for life. long as you have the dedication and are willing to defend your friends and stay close! long as you have the dedication and are willing to defend your friends and stay close!
 For more information, contact: For more information, contact:
-Scarlet Dawnstar, Narupi Zor.+Narupi Zor, Jugtella, Ilko Sokeakotka

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Resources 2014-09-14 09:17:25 Corporation Description
Corporation The Rising Stars Academy Member 0
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