Corporation - Description - 2015-04-19 09:46:43 - Live Ticker



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- --> Recruitment closed until further notice <--+Recruitment status: OPEN
 +Extra Dimensional is about friendship and teamwork, about small gang roaming and alliance warfare. It's about not giving a fuck about people not blue to us and feasting on the souls of our enemies. But most importantly, it's about having fun with friends! ..and helping them kick someone's teeth in!!
 â˜£ What we want ☣ â˜£ What we want ☣
 â˜… Mature, active & self-sustaining pilots â˜… Mature, active & self-sustaining pilots
 â˜… Combat minded team players â˜… Combat minded team players
 â˜… No Trial Accounts! â˜… No Trial Accounts!
 â˜… RL > Eve â˜… RL > Eve
 â˜£ Extra Dimensional ☣ â˜£ Extra Dimensional ☣
 â˜… All round combat â˜… All round combat
 â˜… A good environment for pilots to have a good time â˜… A good environment for pilots to have a good time
 â˜… Run by experienced pilots â˜… Run by experienced pilots
 â˜… Help with fittings, skills, etc â˜… Help with fittings, skills, etc
 â˜… Member influence â˜… Member influence
-★ Activity in most branches of the game +★ Knowledge about most branches of the game
-★ PvP, Mission & Mining fleets 
 +★ PvP fleets with friends and alliance
 +★ PvP Rookie courses 'Noobst0rm'
-Contact Info : +Contact Info
 CEO – Deesirah CEO – Deesirah
 Directors Directors
-EU - Navon Sky (inactive atm)+EU -
-US INDY - Nebulette+US -
 +Diplo -
 For more info, join our recruitment channel ''The Extra Dimension" or pm/mail us. For more info, join our recruitment channel ''The Extra Dimension" or pm/mail us.
 â€œâ€¦some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn…" ;) â€œâ€¦some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn…" ;)

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Resources 2015-04-19 09:46:43 Corporation Description
Corporation Extra Dimensional Member 11
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