Corporation - Description - 2016-05-15 09:17:00 - Live Ticker



Old New
-The Council, originally born from the region of Querious, nurtured in combat and 0.0 life by the once respected CFS. Matured into an elite skirmish PVP corporation whilst combating the CA fires and helping the formation of the mighty QDF. Later, The Council helped the founding of the Firmus Ixion alliance [FIX] where it prospered. The Council, now a small tight knit group of mature players have found their place within in the eve universe and are currently exploring new horizons….. +The Council, originally born from the region of Querious, nurtured in combat and 0.0 life by the once respected CFS. Matured into an elite skirmish PVP corporation whilst combating the CA fires and helping the formation of the mighty QDF. Later, The Council helped the founding of the Firmus Ixion alliance [FIX] where it prospered. The Council, now a small tight knit group of mature players living in ProviBloc, have found their place within the EVE universe and are currently exploring new horizons…
 Recruitment: (OPEN) Recruitment: (OPEN)
-Contact: Robert DeNiro  
-Public channel: yourmum - all welcome !+Contact: Fishweasel Erani Daern Omjun Hekard

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Resources 2016-05-15 09:17:00 Corporation Description
Alliance Evictus. Member 1
Corporation The Council Member 18
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