Corporation - Description - 2010-03-10 06:18:56 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +This corporation considers blocking and ignoring to be just as hostile as shooting.
 Dedicated to liberating Stain Region from the clutches of tyranny and evil. Dedicated to liberating Stain Region from the clutches of tyranny and evil.
 Jobs: Jobs:
 --PVP-- --PVP--
 Rookie PVPer - Is new to PVP. Little or no PVP skills, but wants to get started. Will have ships reimbursed while in this role. **Currently Recruiting These** Rookie PVPer - Is new to PVP. Little or no PVP skills, but wants to get started. Will have ships reimbursed while in this role. **Currently Recruiting These**
 PVPer - Enjoys PVP, must be able to competently fit and fly a T1 cruiser, or T2 frigate, for PVP. **Currently Recruiting These** PVPer - Enjoys PVP, must be able to competently fit and fly a T1 cruiser, or T2 frigate, for PVP. **Currently Recruiting These**
 Senior PVPer - Must be able to competently fit and fly a battlecruiser, T2 destroyer, or T2 cruiser for PVP. **Currently Recruiting These** Senior PVPer - Must be able to competently fit and fly a battlecruiser, T2 destroyer, or T2 cruiser for PVP. **Currently Recruiting These**
 Elite PVPer - Must be able to competently fit and fly a T2 battlecruiser, T3 Cruiser, or a battleship for PVP. **Currently Recruiting These** Elite PVPer - Must be able to competently fit and fly a T2 battlecruiser, T3 Cruiser, or a battleship for PVP. **Currently Recruiting These**
 Capital PVPer - Must be able to competently fit and fly a capital ship. Capital PVPer - Must be able to competently fit and fly a capital ship.
 --Production-- --Production--
 Ratter: Kills rats, salvages, and loots. **Currently Recruiting These** Ratter: Kills rats, salvages, and loots. **Currently Recruiting These**
 Miner: Cruelly melts through asteroids in a menacing way. **Currently Recruiting These** Miner: Cruelly melts through asteroids in a menacing way. **Currently Recruiting These**
 Builder - Is capable of building stuff for the corp. **Currently Recruiting These** Builder - Is capable of building stuff for the corp. **Currently Recruiting These**
 --Leadership-- --Leadership--
 Diplomat - Works with other alliances/corps. **Currently Recruiting These** Diplomat - Works with other alliances/corps. **Currently Recruiting These**
 Commander - Has authorization to lead corporation-wide fleet ops. Commander - Has authorization to lead corporation-wide fleet ops.
 Contact Roosterton for details. Contact Roosterton for details.

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Resources 2010-03-10 06:18:56 Corporation Description
Alliance Eternal Ascension Member 0
Corporation Stain Liberation Army Member 1
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