Corporation - Description - 2010-11-21 22:30:24 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Players dedicated to getting our 15 bucks a month worth, we're up for almost anything if it could be fun. We like killing space rocks, rocking in space, entering wormholes, exiting wormholes, entering, exiting, entering, exiting, etc., shooting things, shooting at things, and getting our very expensive (and well insured) things shot up. Social corp with social drinking, joking, and poking. It's all fun. Don't wanna have fun? Go somewhere else! +Players dedicated to getting our 15 bucks a month worth, we're up for almost anything if it could be fun. We like killing space rocks, rocking in space, entering wormholes, exiting wormholes, entering, exiting, entering, exiting, etc., shooting things, shooting at things, and getting our very expensive (and well insured) things shot up. Social corp with social drinking, joking, and poking. It's all fun. Don't wanna have fun? Go somewhere else.
-Ventrillo Information 
-Hostname or IP: run comms on vent servers
-Port Number: 38020 
-Don't Forget To Create a Username First and the is NO passwor 

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Resources 2010-11-21 22:30:24 Corporation Description
Alliance Dark Taboo Member 1997
Corporation Tri-Spectrum Ops Member 0
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