Corporation - Description - 2024-07-17 08:28:39 - Live Ticker



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-Join our friendly and social group of members and make new friends for life. We are currently looking for seasoned as well as newer players to join our ranks. We do hold a minimum skill set and request combat applicants to have a minimum of a Brain. We request that you are able to fly a minimum of a Ship. No offense is meant to trial and entry level players, everyone starts somewhere. Finally, we require that this is a “mains” only corporation and will only accept applicants if they are bringing their main characters into the corporation. +u'Join our friendly and social group of members and make new friends for life. We are currently looking for seasoned as well as newer players to join our ranks. We do hold a minimum skill set and request combat applicants to have a minimum of a Brain. We request that you are able to fly a minimum of a Ship. No offense is meant to trial and entry level players, everyone starts somewhere. Finally, we require that this is a \u201cmains\u201d only corporation and will only accept applicants if they are bringing their main characters into the corporation.
 Our main focus is on: Our main focus is on:
-? Incursions +\u263c Incursions
-? Extending our Combat operations +\u263c Extending our Combat operations
-? Mission Running +\u263c Mission Running
 Occasionally we also run: Occasionally we also run:
-? Mining +\u263c Mining
-? PvP - Low Sec Hunting +\u263c PvP - Low Sec Hunting
 We Offer: We Offer:
 - Orca Support - Orca Support
 - LvL 4-5 Missions - LvL 4-5 Missions
 - T1 Ship Replacement - T1 Ship Replacement
 - Ore Buy Back Program - Ore Buy Back Program
 - New Player Priority Support (i.e ships/skills etc) - New Player Priority Support (i.e ships/skills etc)
 We are looking for: We are looking for:
-? Mission Runners / Incursion Pilots +\u263c Mission Runners / Incursion Pilots
-? Fighters for the Battle Group Indecisive. (Pvp-combat) +\u263c Fighters for the Battle Group Indecisive. (Pvp-combat)
-? Miners 
 +\u263c Miners
-? Logistics +\u263c Logistics
 We operate in Amarr inside of High sec. We operate in Amarr inside of High sec.
-1st Incursions of Doom has a 2 week trial period and reserves the right to refuse membership to anyone at any time, and the right to terminate membership at any time. Also we require the use of Team speak 3 (for PvP ops/ Incursions Fleets) Lastly we highly value the ability to be flexible, self sufficient, self motivated, and willing to adapt and be active within eve both as a player and as a corporation member. +1st Incursions of Doom has a 2 week trial period and reserves the right to refuse membership to anyone at any time, and the right to terminate membership at any time. Also we require the use of Team speak 3 (for PvP ops/ Incursions Fleets) Lastly we highly value the ability to be flexible, self sufficient, self motivated, and willing to adapt and be active within eve both as a player and as a corporation member.'

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Resources 2024-07-17 08:28:39 Corporation Description
Corporation 1st Incursions of Doom Member 5
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