Corporation - Description - 2012-11-16 08:22:21 - Live Ticker



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-TomatoCo. Technologies - Your one-stop shop for science! (Do you like Science? You bet you do!) +TomatoCo. Technologies - Your one-stop shop for science!
 +(Do you like Science? You bet your sweet ass you do!)
 Founded in 1964, TomatoCo has been a universal leader in science and science accessories. Providing mission-critical "thingamabobs" and "doodads" (this is the jargon, folks) to companies across multiple star clusters, TomatoCo has undoubtedly had a major role in the "development" of many galactic cultures. Founded in 1964, TomatoCo has been a universal leader in science and science accessories. Providing mission-critical "thingamabobs" and "doodads" (this is the jargon, folks) to companies across multiple star clusters, TomatoCo has undoubtedly had a major role in the "development" of many galactic cultures.
 TomatoCo has recently expanded to New Eden, opening their technology research and development department in a station where the wild Space Potato roams. TomatoCo has recently expanded to New Eden, opening their technology research and development department in a station where the wild Space Potato roams.
 TCO.T is responsible for many highly technical and complex technologies, including a "whatchamacallit" known only as the Device. TCO.T is responsible for many highly technical and complex technologies, including a "whatchamacallit" known only as the Device.
 Now I ask of you: Now I ask of you:
 Are you a bad enough dude/dudette to join us? Are you a bad enough dude/dudette to join us?
 We offer: We offer:
 -L4s -L4s
 -PvP Ops -PvP Ops
 -W-Space Ops -W-Space Ops
 -Mining Things -Mining Things
 Contact Mohn McJadden, or drop in the TomatoRCT channel today! Contact Mohn McJadden, or drop in the TomatoRCT channel today!

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Resources 2012-11-16 08:22:21 Corporation Description
Corporation TomatoCo. Technologies Member 18
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