Alliance Share

Empire Research
Name Empire Research
Ticker MEOW
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2007-03-03
Closed 2008-07-03
AllianceID 1213487968

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [39]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Light-year Enterprises LY 6 2007-12-13 12:00:00 2008-05-08 11:00:00
Feckers Incorporated FECKE 3 2008-01-15 12:00:00 2008-06-30 11:00:00
Dark Matter Logistics DMLOG 10 2008-02-12 12:00:00 2008-06-30 11:00:00
Farscape Ventures FAVE 1 2007-06-01 12:00:00 2008-07-03 11:00:00
Ancient Skies ANCSK 2 2007-09-24 12:00:00 2008-08-15 11:00:00
The Last Horizon -TLH- 2 2008-03-07 01:06:00 2008-09-08 21:30:03
Quasar ComputationsDead QUA-C 0 2008-07-15 02:01:00 2008-10-21 21:00:04
Slender Corp SLNDR 1 2008-06-04 23:30:00 2008-10-21 21:00:04
Solo Logistics 7-7-7 3 2008-03-24 05:51:00 2008-10-21 21:00:04
Serenity Mining S--M 5 2007-07-12 03:25:00 2008-10-21 21:00:04
Revolutionary Industries REVI 5 2008-03-24 05:51:00 2008-10-21 21:00:04
Dark Canyon Corporation DC2 1 2007-10-08 23:13:00 2008-10-22 21:00:05
millitant hobbits corp MIHOC 1 2008-06-04 23:30:00 2008-10-27 15:02:08
Portalized Antidote PORTA 4 2008-03-21 05:01:00 2008-10-27 15:02:08
Orion Technologies Inc OTNG ORPHANS OF EVE 5 2008-01-20 00:58:00 2008-10-27 15:02:08
Lacunal Research LACUR 2 2008-01-11 05:08:00 2008-11-01 21:00:09
Entropy Research Corp ERCO 6 2008-02-04 19:23:00 2008-11-01 21:00:09
Miami Labs MIAMI 2 2007-04-23 23:57:00 2008-11-01 21:00:09
Material Research Corp LOBE 1 2008-02-14 03:19:00 2008-11-01 21:00:09
Galactic Innovations Ltd. G I L 3 2008-01-04 00:56:00 2008-11-01 21:00:09
Banzai Institute of TechnologyDead BANZA 0 2008-04-16 23:12:00 2008-11-01 21:00:09
BSI BSPEC 3 2007-06-17 22:40:00 2008-11-01 21:00:09
Kalama Chemical KALAM 10 2008-04-07 23:32:00 2008-11-01 21:00:09
BDP Industries BDPI 3 2008-02-01 00:53:00 2008-11-01 21:00:09
BPO Research and DevelopmentDead BLUER 0 2007-10-06 22:42:00 2008-12-14 15:02:09
R.D.M.M.Dead R.D.M 0 2008-04-14 01:44:00 2008-12-30 21:00:05
Bad Logistics Inc. OHYES 10 2007-08-20 10:33:00 2009-03-21 15:02:03
PGT IncorporatedDead PGTI 0 2007-04-21 02:59:00 2009-04-04 15:02:04
Mining Security Group MSG 5 2007-12-16 23:36:00 2009-04-22 14:00:11
Feckers Incorporated FECKE 3 2009-02-01 02:45:00 2009-04-27 21:00:09
Light-year Enterprises LY 6 2008-09-10 05:07:00 2009-04-28 21:00:09
Superbia Inc. SATIN 15 2007-11-19 21:04:00 2009-04-29 21:00:05
P.O.E. CorpDead P.O.E 0 2008-04-19 01:21:00 2009-04-30 15:02:12
Portalized Antidote PORTA 4 2009-01-22 02:56:00 2009-05-01 21:00:10
DRS ManufacturingDead DRSM 0 2008-09-29 20:09:00 2009-05-01 21:00:10
Jork Corp JORK 8 2007-09-27 23:30:00 2009-05-01 21:00:10
Nova Labs N-L Stainless Steel Orkz 6 2007-03-19 05:47:00 2009-05-01 21:00:10
Home ImprovementDead HIMP 0 2008-01-07 18:02:00 2009-05-01 21:00:10
Kuiper Belt Industries KUI 6 2009-04-19 20:13:00 2009-09-05 16:04:14
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