Alliance Share

StarFleet Federation
Name StarFleet Federation
Ticker STAR
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2008-04-27
Closed 2011-01-31
AllianceID 1568557362

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [98]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
EF Research and DevelopmentDead EFRD 0 2008-05-19 12:00:00 2008-07-08 11:00:00
The Nexus CollectiveDead U.M 0 2008-05-31 12:00:00 2008-07-14 11:00:00
The Pheonix Group TPG S RECURSIVE ASCENSION 149 2008-08-12 12:00:00 2008-08-15 11:00:00
Caldari Industrial Holdings CALIH 1 2008-08-04 12:00:00 2008-08-15 11:00:00
The Galactic Industrialists Federation TFOF 3 2008-05-15 22:09:00 2008-08-29 18:30:07
Just Minning My Own Buisiness JMOB 1 2008-05-17 22:09:00 2008-08-29 18:30:07
SF-NDead SF-N 0 2008-06-20 20:17:00 2008-08-29 18:30:07
The United Earth FederationDead U.E.F 0 2008-05-31 00:15:00 2008-08-29 18:30:07
FUKTEDead FUKTE 0 2008-09-01 22:52:00 2008-09-03 21:30:01
Cimmerian Brotherhood CIMME 21 2008-09-25 00:55:00 2008-09-25 21:00:10
Sinister Enterprises S T S 9 2008-08-20 21:56:00 2008-10-07 21:00:04
M.A.S Empire MAS.E 9 2008-09-18 01:48:00 2008-10-11 21:00:05
2MSWDead 2MSW 0 2008-10-08 01:33:00 2008-10-13 21:00:11
Rising Ashes INCDead RIASI 0 2008-07-25 01:46:00 2008-10-14 21:00:04
Galaxy Collective and Mining Corp GCAMC 5 2008-09-25 00:55:00 2008-10-15 21:00:08
FLAMES OF THE REVENGE ROLF 3 2008-10-08 23:52:00 2008-10-16 21:00:08
PENDRAGON Technologies PENDR 10 2008-09-24 00:29:00 2008-10-20 20:11:17
Engame Industries ENGAM 1 2008-09-29 01:16:00 2008-10-24 21:00:04
Pineapple ExpressDead P E 0 2008-06-04 05:15:00 2008-10-25 23:29:47
M and M industries MANDM 5 2008-09-19 22:04:00 2008-10-26 16:48:52
b.b.k B.B.K 1 2008-10-12 01:01:00 2008-10-29 21:00:05
Galactic Republic Of Eve GROE 14 2008-09-15 01:08:00 2008-11-07 21:00:05
United Frontier's -U.F- 2 2008-07-02 18:11:00 2008-11-07 21:00:05
Celica SyndicateDead CSYND 0 2008-08-11 00:55:00 2008-11-07 21:00:05
Top Guns Inc. TOPGU 10 2008-09-22 15:44:00 2008-11-09 21:00:05
High Flyers HIFI 26 2008-08-16 17:10:00 2008-11-20 17:48:26
Astral Exploration RegimentDead -AER- 0 2008-09-19 22:04:00 2008-11-25 16:04:10
Team Squirrel NUTTZ 1 2008-12-08 20:36:00 2009-01-02 15:02:11
Rug Munchers IncDead RGM 0 2008-11-15 04:15:00 2009-01-02 15:02:11
INTERSTELLAR ENTERPRISE E.N.T 19 2008-11-05 01:44:00 2009-01-03 15:02:09
The Aforementioned T A 8 2008-11-16 05:17:00 2009-01-06 21:00:04
New Eden Research Organisation NER0 5 2008-09-22 15:44:00 2009-01-08 15:02:08
x40b X40B 4 2008-12-27 17:02:00 2009-01-14 21:00:04
Umbrella Biohazard Counter-Measure SquadDead UBCS 0 2008-12-16 06:15:00 2009-01-17 15:02:08
The Coalition of Rocks And Ponds TCRAP 2 2008-09-14 20:08:00 2009-01-19 15:02:08
The Crimson Corsair Brotherhood TCCB 1 2008-12-18 00:36:00 2009-01-19 15:02:08
Carpathian Knights CNITE 2 2008-07-11 01:03:00 2009-01-19 15:02:08
BlackSite Prophecy BS.P 8 2008-10-26 05:40:00 2009-02-03 16:04:09
The 501st LegionDead T501P 0 2009-02-05 19:53:00 2009-02-11 16:04:09
The GornDead GORN. 0 2009-01-16 12:02:00 2009-02-11 16:04:09
Unus Somnium IncDead .USI. 0 2009-01-19 19:56:00 2009-02-26 14:00:39
bL00DkNIGHTS BXK 10 2008-12-19 01:10:00 2009-02-27 16:04:27
Interstellar Mining and Trade Corporation I-M-T 2 2009-01-02 04:41:00 2009-03-09 21:00:07
Black Elite .RUN. 8 2009-03-10 00:35:00 2009-03-20 15:02:03
legion syndicateDead L - S 0 2008-12-25 03:04:00 2009-03-20 15:02:03
AN APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTIONDead AAFD 0 2009-01-18 21:10:00 2009-04-06 16:04:04
Gateway To Eve GWTE 11 2008-09-14 22:08:00 2009-04-12 15:02:04
Ex Aequo Logistics XALO X-Legio 89 2008-11-09 23:32:00 2009-04-12 15:02:04
Solid TechnologiesDead SLD-T 0 2008-11-30 17:35:00 2009-04-12 15:02:04
sniper unlimited STA11 5 2009-02-14 00:47:00 2009-04-12 15:02:04
D.I.N. D.I.N 1 2008-12-01 18:20:00 2009-04-12 15:02:04
Ascend First MechatronicsDead ASCFM 0 2008-12-09 04:36:00 2009-04-12 15:02:04
Amarrian EmpireDead ASQTU 0 2009-03-16 10:37:00 2009-04-12 15:02:04
FSXFC24hristi5an Corp FSXF 2 2009-03-19 02:21:00 2009-04-12 15:02:04
Zeratul Fleet Systems ZFS 3 2008-09-14 19:08:00 2009-04-12 15:02:04
Brothers In Arms -- Utd Corp Federation B.N.A 4 2009-04-04 19:57:00 2009-04-12 15:02:04
Suns Of Korhal S.O.K 20 2009-02-03 18:03:00 2009-04-15 21:00:06
Engineering Science NSCI 5 2009-05-11 12:00:00 2009-05-12 11:00:00
Portuguese Space AgencyDead P S A 0 2009-04-05 15:35:00 2009-05-15 21:00:05
Red Stone IndustriesDead D347H 0 2009-01-28 02:55:00 2009-05-17 15:02:03
legion syndicateDead L - S 0 2009-04-05 21:36:00 2009-05-20 21:00:11
MXEPDead MXEP 0 2009-05-18 23:35:00 2009-05-22 15:02:03
The Omega ConsortiumDead TOCC 0 2009-02-16 05:46:00 2009-05-23 21:00:11
Be One Unit B1UNT 1 2009-04-24 01:08:00 2009-05-28 15:02:07
FireTech FIRET 1 2009-05-22 23:22:00 2009-05-28 15:02:07
The UnWelcomeDead UNWEL 0 2009-05-26 15:06:00 2009-06-08 15:02:04
The Hegemonising Swarm HSWRM 2 2009-04-04 22:57:00 2009-06-10 15:02:03
Rijson EVE AcademyDead RIJSO 0 2009-06-18 19:27:00 2009-06-26 15:02:04
Celestial Warp Ghost Guardians CWGG 4 2009-06-17 05:27:00 2009-07-08 21:00:08
Triumvirate Maximus TMEGA 1 2009-05-24 05:39:00 2009-07-11 16:04:09
gehwesi lab'sDead GLABS 0 2008-08-16 17:10:00 2009-07-18 21:00:05
INTERSTELLAR ENTERPRISE E.N.T 19 2009-04-19 20:04:00 2009-07-21 15:02:03
BOT LLP -BOT- 3 2009-06-13 04:26:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
Thenta-Makur CADA 11 2008-11-03 03:59:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
Nuclear Lunatics NUKEU 3 2009-06-01 17:39:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
Omen Industries OHMAN Sixth Empire 49 2009-02-04 07:04:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
Militech Armaments Corp MTAC 2 2009-04-04 23:57:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
Brothers In Arms -- Utd Corp Federation B.N.A 4 2009-04-17 00:33:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
X-BIG Infrastructure BIG-I 3 2009-06-15 18:10:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
BlackCypher Industries B-C-I 12 2009-05-09 22:57:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
U.S. A. ROTC A.ROT 2 2009-06-04 12:56:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
Foxtrot MilitiaDead -F0X- 0 2009-05-29 16:50:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
Pikax Industries IncorporatedDead GPII 0 2008-11-07 20:04:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
EWAR Academy EWARA 2 2009-06-03 23:58:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
bL00DkNIGHTS BXK 10 2009-03-12 00:40:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
Noesis Ra NOERA Dark Taboo 16 2009-06-10 05:02:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
StarFleet Enterprises SFEP 16 2008-04-27 16:36:00 2009-07-26 16:04:09
Black Opz BKOPZ 7 2009-06-13 01:26:00 2009-11-29 01:54:15
Dark Prophecy Inc. DKPR 11 2010-04-25 12:49:00 2010-09-25 09:47:37
Front Line Research IndustriesDead FLRI 0 2010-09-24 10:56:00 2010-12-02 23:48:51
Matrix SolutionsDead M.SOL 0 2010-12-05 07:03:00 2011-01-28 14:15:14
TugaLab KTUGA 1 2010-06-30 16:35:00 2011-01-31 11:38:20
Narn Regime CA-DA 2 2008-12-03 16:53:00 2011-01-31 11:38:20
Faster Than Light LogisticsDead F-T-L 0 2010-09-21 20:38:00 2011-01-31 11:38:20
STAR LotteryDead SF-L 0 2008-06-10 09:02:00 2011-01-31 11:38:20
SECTI0N 31 S31 1 2010-07-08 01:51:00 2011-01-31 11:38:20
STAR HoldingsDead SHLDS 0 2008-05-31 05:15:00 2011-01-31 11:38:20
STAR Savings and Trust FEDT 1 2009-04-13 00:18:00 2011-01-31 11:38:20
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