Alliance Share

Unsung Voices
Name Unsung Voices
Ticker UV
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2010-06-07
Closed 2014-02-19
AllianceID 1607127517





Many smaller ((RP)) corporations are searching for alliances to join. Unlike almost every other alliance, we offer other corporations the chance to belong to an alliance that fully protects the individual identities of alliance members:

No taxes
No fees to join
No membership fees
No mandatory ops
No obligations of any kind

You will be free to operate as always. The alliance will not interfere with you in any way whatsoever. The alliance exists solely to help reduce the vulnerability of individual corporations from the vicissitudes of Inferno. Members may interact with other members as they wish, including not interacting at all.

All we ask is that if you do decide to apply to the Unsung Voices alliance, you affirm that you oppose all forms of piracy and criminality, and espouse the noble virtues of honour, integrity, and decency at all times, everywhere.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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