Alliance Share

APEX Conglomerate
Name APEX Conglomerate
Ticker APEX
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2007-05-01
Closed 2015-02-07
AllianceID 1617262222





APEX Conglomerate is a producer of everything from Soft Drinks (Drink Starsi!) and Cereal (Torped-Os!) to Capsuleer ships and modules. APEX is also involved in the R&D of new tech for starships, small arms as well as biomedical supplies. APEX Conglomerate has been building its product base since inception and is also hiring new capsuleer pilots to help in its spacebound endevours. Public channels: APEXCOM (IC) or APEXOOC and apply for a lucrative position in one of our subsidiary companies today!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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