Alliance Share

The Blood Eagle
Name The Blood Eagle
Ticker SAGA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2010-08-12
Closed 2014-09-13
AllianceID 1733123941





.....At first light the following morning, Einar and his men scoured the island.

Eventually, the earl, who was renowned for the keenness of his one eye, spotted something moving by the shore. His men moved to intercept and captured a bedraggled Halfdan.

Seeking revenge for the death of his father, Einar slaughtered Halfdan. The Orkneyinga saga recounts, with relish, that Einar carved the notorious blóðörn - blood-eagle - on his struggling captive:

"Einar had his ribs cut from the spine with a sword and the lungs pulled out through the slits in his back. He dedicated the victim to Odin as a victory offering."

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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