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Sefric Legation
Name Sefric Legation
Ticker SELE
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2010-04-11
Closed 2013-10-16
AllianceID 1794231802





Chapter I of the Epitoth in the Book of Scriptures

"9 For a hundred years while the sefrim watched over the empire no wars or epidemics or famines ruined the lands and the people were content and joyous.
10 From Istha in the north and Melekel in the south and Edras in the east and from Iphria in the west people came to pray before the holy sefrim and receive a blessing to take home to their families.
11 The sefrim stood tall and beautiful, clad in their white and amber robes, with masks of gold and silver to protect people from being struck dead by their angelic beauty.
12 And all this time the emperor Amash-Akura did not age one day and was as healthy and strong as the day he came of age. The Scepter gave him vigor and the Crown gave him acumen and his rule was wise and fair.
13 Then Molok the Deceiver sundered the lands and the people suffered floods and plagues conjured by him. Molok turned the people against the sefrim and people who once sang their praise now abhorred them.
14 The emperor saw that all was not good and summoned the sefrim and said unto them, The people are in great distress, what remedies doest thee have?
15 And the sefrim answered, My Lord, the land has split against thou, thou must make war upon thy enemies to reclaim what is justly thine.
16 And the emperor asked, Will thee aid us in this perilous endeavor?
17 But the sefrim answered, No my Lord, we are here only to guide and guard, it is forbidden to us to aggress upon any man.
18 Then be gone! The emperor said in anger, for his foes were formidable.
19 And the sefrim, not longer in the emperor’s favor returned to from whence they came that very day. And the moment they left the sun went black and people cried in anguish for this was an evil omen."

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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