Alliance Share

Lucky Starbase Syndicate
Name Lucky Starbase Syndicate
Ticker LSS
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2010-04-12
Closed 2013-10-17
AllianceID 1899491740

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [42]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
The BarbariansDead BARBS 0 2010-04-13 13:00:00 2010-04-24 07:16:37
BlackWater Mercenaries BWMZ 4 2010-04-15 22:33:00 2010-05-02 17:55:44
Nodes Of Ranvier -NORA 5 2010-04-13 13:00:00 2010-05-07 02:15:31
Manhattan Project Inc MNH 7 2010-04-29 00:12:00 2010-05-12 06:36:47
Minmatar Republic Military Skool MRMS 6 2010-05-15 02:51:00 2010-05-17 08:35:08
Solaris SyndicateDead TSOSY 0 2010-04-20 20:34:00 2010-05-21 16:21:36
HellForge.Dead HFRGE 0 2010-04-24 02:30:00 2010-05-31 12:22:07
World of Insomnia WOFIN 25 2010-04-26 00:46:00 2010-06-01 07:22:42
Varinius Research and Development. VRD. 1 2010-04-17 23:46:00 2010-06-02 02:23:13
Slapaho TribeDead LARP 0 2010-05-05 08:56:00 2010-07-06 09:07:07
Dark Lure Inc DRKLR 4 2010-04-26 23:32:00 2010-07-14 02:40:50
Warsmiths WRSM The Gorram Shiney Alliance 6 2010-04-19 21:46:00 2010-07-16 07:54:12
Slapaho TribeDead LARP 0 2010-07-08 04:55:00 2010-07-16 23:54:54
ANZAC ANZAC 8 2010-07-27 01:41:00 2010-07-29 06:40:07
Freeport HavenDead FHAV 0 2010-08-04 23:19:00 2010-08-07 11:27:22
Big Daym Fighter Pilots BDFP 1 2010-08-14 01:55:00 2010-08-22 17:23:48
Active Fusion AFUSE 13 2010-04-25 21:46:00 2010-09-11 20:48:33
2X Trouble 2XT 1 2010-04-18 01:46:00 2010-09-28 00:50:06
Bunnie's BoysDead BUNNI 0 2010-05-27 21:08:00 2010-10-10 17:54:44
Secrets of the Universe SOTU 3 2010-06-02 14:01:00 2010-10-15 20:59:14
Divinity's Edge Inc. DEGI 1 2010-06-19 02:35:00 2010-10-15 22:59:17
Ded HedzDead PHA-Q 0 2010-04-24 02:30:00 2010-10-16 23:05:19
Surgical Killing Spree DRUG5 14 2010-07-17 04:21:00 2010-10-21 03:41:15
Guardian Manufacturing Incorp. GRDMI 3 Jackals 14 2010-05-19 21:02:00 2010-10-25 03:50:49
The Naked Peas Group Plc. NKDP Cognitive Distortion 1 2010-08-30 19:11:00 2010-10-29 20:05:48
Rule of Five 5 42 2010-05-11 23:25:00 2010-10-31 20:34:34
Five Level Enterprises 5LE 7 2010-08-19 16:31:00 2010-10-31 20:34:34
A Very Mercenary Holding Corp AVMHC Noir. Mercenary Group 4 2010-11-11 03:20:00 2010-11-14 05:21:15
Trumpets and Bookmarks TRMP 8 2010-05-08 02:19:00 2010-11-14 19:36:32
Backwards Compatible BWCPT 7 2010-04-18 17:36:00 2010-11-15 21:16:03
LS Trading and Production Inc. LSTPI 1 2010-08-29 14:57:00 2010-12-15 23:25:34
Nodes Of Ranvier -NORA 5 2010-05-09 00:27:00 2011-01-02 00:00:30
All 41 Research A41R 9 2010-07-13 15:18:00 2011-01-02 00:00:30
Crews EnterprisesDead KAK0W 0 2010-04-12 05:41:00 2012-01-22 18:06:58
A Very Mercenary Holding Corp AVMHC Noir. Mercenary Group 4 2012-01-21 23:35:00 2012-02-14 00:18:23
EVE Starbase Services ESS. 1 2012-02-26 20:44:00 2013-03-18 19:13:40
Imperium 0f ManDead I0M 0 2013-06-27 19:13:00 2013-09-18 01:37:02
Mythandry MYTHA 6 2013-06-05 07:40:00 2013-10-17 11:55:11
TerminalDogma HasamaDead LTDH 0 2012-02-13 18:00:00 2013-10-17 11:55:11
TerminalDogma LTDL Lucky Starbase Syndicate 42 2012-02-14 00:00:00 2013-10-17 11:55:11
JuJitsu Fighters JJF 3 2012-02-14 00:00:00 2013-10-17 11:55:11
CentralDogmaDead LSSCD 0 2013-06-18 11:51:00 2013-10-17 11:55:11
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