Alliance Share

Lazy is our middle name
Name Lazy is our middle name
Ticker LA.ZY
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2007-05-19
Closed 2011-10-26
AllianceID 287958380

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [42]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
U.N.I.O.N U.N 4 2008-10-20 18:30:00 2008-11-14 21:00:04
Empire Industrial Mining CoreDead EIMC 0 2008-09-02 21:45:00 2008-12-20 15:02:08
dark influenceDead DARN 0 2008-08-03 19:21:00 2009-01-30 15:02:07
The Legion of ReclaimingDead LEGRE 0 2009-01-11 01:11:00 2009-02-04 16:04:09
The VineyardDead 14.5 0 2008-11-20 01:48:00 2009-06-02 14:00:10
First Outside Inside Last FOIL 4 2008-07-06 22:37:00 2009-06-04 21:00:09
Synetix InnovationsDead SYINV 0 2008-11-20 01:48:00 2009-06-04 21:00:09
Pokle United POKLE 3 2009-05-01 13:56:00 2009-07-13 21:00:06
Mordu's BioLabs M-BIO 3 2008-10-05 21:27:00 2009-07-13 21:00:06
Mirada Mining and Construction MIRAD 5 2007-12-30 19:51:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
TRANS-PLANET NATIONALDead TPNG 0 2009-06-02 19:31:00 2009-10-02 21:00:10
Source of Strength .SO.S 3 2009-05-24 20:58:00 2009-10-24 21:00:14
Saint Gods From HeIIDead SGFH 0 2009-09-15 18:40:00 2009-10-29 16:02:03
Saint Gods From He11 SG.FH 1 2009-12-02 22:03:00 2009-12-08 01:17:15
Old Farts Kick AssDead OFKA 0 2009-01-24 23:40:00 2010-01-29 01:25:59
Trox RnD .TRD. 2 2009-08-30 15:36:00 2010-06-07 12:49:20
Mirada Mining and Construction MIRAD 5 2010-06-05 20:30:00 2010-07-09 01:15:05
The Order Of The GryphonDead TOOTG 0 2010-03-11 23:24:00 2010-07-10 03:16:16
MINE THEM TO DEATHDead MTTD1 0 2010-04-03 17:40:00 2010-07-10 15:16:44
MAD MINING AND MANUFACTURINGDead MDM 0 2009-12-02 22:03:00 2010-07-15 00:52:53
Majority 12 M12 2 2010-08-15 19:49:00 2010-08-24 11:57:13
IntergalacTechDead IGTEC 0 2010-07-30 23:05:00 2010-08-25 23:58:52
Maniacal Miners INC MANIC The Legends In The Game 82 2010-08-10 22:40:00 2010-09-09 19:50:04
Synetix Engineering -SE1- 1 2008-05-08 00:38:00 2010-09-14 23:18:34
The Cerberus FactionDead CERFA 0 2010-06-27 22:27:00 2010-09-16 06:19:33
Boondaburra FOTP 10 2007-05-21 13:14:00 2010-09-25 20:48:01
FOIL Acquisitions Research and Trade FA.RT 2 2009-02-28 23:40:00 2010-11-10 05:21:52
Independent-Miners-Association I-M-A 7 2007-12-30 23:51:00 2011-05-15 03:24:11
Tier 3 Technologies IncDead T3TEC 0 2007-11-08 22:09:00 2011-05-18 11:14:00
Astrowave ASER 5 2009-08-30 23:31:00 2011-05-19 20:25:36
Marshmellow Shipping Company MASCO 2 2008-09-18 21:18:00 2011-05-20 01:30:25
Oblivion Industrial Enterprises DIEM 7 2010-01-07 23:38:00 2011-09-19 20:43:44
The Comet Empire STBLZ 12 2009-10-21 22:26:00 2011-09-19 20:43:44
Radically Inovative Design Enterpises RYDE8 2 2008-09-12 23:16:00 2011-10-26 11:26:46
Synthetic Insights SIGHS 7 2009-06-01 23:36:00 2011-10-26 11:26:46
BATTLEFIELD SOLUTIONS INC. B.SOL 9 2009-01-26 21:14:00 2011-10-26 11:26:46
Empire Mining and Industrial Taskforce EMIT 9 2010-08-10 22:40:00 2011-10-26 11:26:46
Freaky Mad Scientists FMADS 5 2009-10-06 18:14:00 2011-10-26 11:26:46
FIRE FLY CorpDead FLY 0 2008-08-13 19:30:00 2011-10-26 11:26:46
Distillery ABV 23 2007-05-19 23:46:00 2011-10-26 11:26:46
ORB enterprises ORB E 15 2008-12-31 22:20:00 2011-10-26 11:26:46
Semper Paratus InritusDead DNA-R 0 2008-12-04 23:00:00 2011-10-26 11:26:46
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