Alliance Share

Imperial Raata Directorate
Name Imperial Raata Directorate
Ticker IRD
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2009-08-01
Closed 2013-08-09
AllianceID 425802609





“Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. “

“The enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution.”

By Sun Tzu


The Imperial Raata Directive, an alliance founded on the 1st of August of the year YC 111, serves as a unifying front for those that wish to revive the old Raata Empire.


Re-establish the Raata Empire as a sovereign nation.
Maintain the old ways of the Caldari.
Maintain good relations between the Amarr Empire and The Caldari State.
Aid in the reconstruction of the Ishukone HQ station at Malkalen V, which has been in ruins since the so called Malkalen Incident. (ath: add link to new thingy about that, done)
Making a strong community for its members to be proud of.

Government system:

Imperial: Imperator (EXC) -> Privy Council -> General Council & Admiralties (CEO’s / Directors and FC's)

Alliance setup:

The plan is for the alliance to consist of 6 corporations, The EXC Corporation (Raata Tech), 5 semi RP corps of different main functions and a Training Academy corporation, as well as a lab corp. Of these 2 are to be Primarily PVP corporations, 2 are to be Generalist corporations and 1 a Primarily Industrial corporation.

Any and all recruitment once in the alliance is through the recruitment corp only.

What the IRD is looking for in corporations:

1) Is comfortable with either heavy or light rp

2) Is not bothered by the alliance Imperial Dictatorship government (not micro management version, there’s only so many hours in the day)

3) Corporation is to be classifiable as one of the following:

A) A Primarily PVP corporation (PVP corps should be the ones were pilots are willing to drop all personal activities in lieu of the need for defence/offense. Also, they should be ones with a player base that is willing to schedule activities that revolve around PVP maintenance and represent IRD in the best fashion.)

B) A Primarily Industrial corporation ( a corporation that dedicates the majority of its time and assets to the pursuits of industrial ventures such as module building, ship building, research, mining, and market ventures.)

C) A Generalist corporation (A self sufficient mix of both other kinds, generally much larger than the specialised corporations)

This is done to maintain a balance in between the specialisations of alliance members.

4) All corporation members must be able and willing to use forums and voice coms for information storage and transmission. (For the voice coms expectations are made for those who due to RL in ability to use voice, such as not having one.)

5) All corporations that join IRD are expected to join in operations that are for the defence of alliance installations, such as pos or claimed space.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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