Alliance Share

Floyd Alliance
Name Floyd Alliance
Ticker FLYA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2010-09-08
Closed 2013-06-14
AllianceID 495763333





Proudly created by Pheobe McIntyre

Thvaron > and of course I'm all for seeing null-sec as long as we don't end up as cannon fodder or isk slaves
Randall Floyd > no doubt mate, don't worry about that last bit
Randall Floyd > I don't promise much in this alliance. I can't promise success at every op. I can't promise success at some. I can't promise any at all actually.
Randall Floyd > I can't promise I'll be on in a specfic schedule for months on end.
Randall Floyd > I can't even promise that I understand what I'm doing.
Randall Floyd > Where was I going with this?
oh yes.
Thvaron > LOL
Randall Floyd > I can promise we will not be absorbed into some lame ass power bloc and have a boring game.
Randall Floyd > If we ever do that, it will be 1) only until we realize that happened or 2) becuse we plan to frak them from the inside
Randall Floyd > and #2 may spawn from #1
Randall Floyd > so be prepared to lose everything, get blown up, chased around, and smacked at! but if you are bored by all means let me know.
Randall Floyd > This is an important conversation, it should be our alliance description

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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