Alliance Share

Name Damu'Khonde
Ticker USHRA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2010-07-29
Closed 2014-11-03
AllianceID 580646311





Originally formed as a home to the warriors of the Ushra'Khan during their darkest hour. The banner of Damu'Khonde now flies over a new generation of warriors, united by a small group of retired Ushra'Khan freedom fighters.

They have now journeyed to their tribal home: the Minmatar Republic to aid the Republic in its struggle against the slavers of the Amarr empire.

We still uphold the battlecry of our former comrades in the Ushra'Khan who now bring the cause of freedom to lawless corners of 0.0 space: We Come For Our People!

Damu'Khonde operates NBSI

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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