Alliance Share

Event Horizon.
Name Event Horizon.
Ticker EZ
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2006-12-31
Closed 2016-05-18
AllianceID 664511700

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [49]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Conjoiner Demarchrist Alliance CONJ 6 2007-07-14 21:41:00 2008-09-26 21:00:11
Promises Inc. PRA 17 2008-09-16 06:57:00 2008-10-03 21:00:03
Voltage TechnologiesDead VOLTS 0 2009-01-02 14:50:00 2009-02-06 15:02:09
DarkSide Industries DSIDE 4 2008-12-21 19:54:00 2009-02-06 15:02:09
NunyaBizzness NUNYA 37 2008-10-27 00:46:00 2009-02-25 15:02:16
Nova Enterprises N.E 39 2009-03-16 20:42:00 2009-03-26 15:02:03
Bulletproof UnderwearDead BPU 0 2009-01-05 12:53:00 2009-05-06 21:00:05
BLACK BARONS CZSK 11 2009-05-25 18:28:00 2009-07-05 21:00:08
Dissolution Of Eternity DISSO 10 2009-06-15 15:07:00 2009-07-11 16:04:09
BLACK BARONS CZSK 11 2009-07-08 22:24:00 2009-07-19 15:02:03
VITUPERATED HYSTERIA VYST 17 2009-06-24 18:43:00 2009-08-09 16:04:09
The-Fallen T-FAL 4 2009-06-11 07:45:00 2009-08-09 16:04:09
The-Fallen T-FAL 4 2009-08-10 23:00:00 2009-08-11 16:04:10
Ma'adim Logistics MAADI 13 2009-03-25 18:07:00 2009-08-30 15:02:03
One Nation Eve 0N3 1 2009-03-07 17:28:00 2009-08-30 15:02:03
FLASHTROOPER CORP FTFL 28 2009-03-16 19:42:00 2009-10-26 22:00:06
Deep Exploration Projects and Programs DEPP 43 2009-09-23 23:10:00 2009-11-28 20:54:03
Crusaders Transcendancy CTRE The Keldara 45 2009-11-29 01:14:00 2009-12-25 23:57:09
Voices of War V.O.W 9 2009-06-04 18:56:00 2009-12-27 11:58:21
LypticaDead LYPT 0 2009-12-19 08:40:00 2009-12-29 05:59:47
Ritter des Feuertigers RITT 18 2009-05-12 20:31:00 2009-12-30 02:00:46
Hampfdammer TOTES 16 2009-06-16 21:52:00 2009-12-30 22:07:07
Ancient Spirits ANSS 2 2009-09-17 22:43:00 2010-01-05 22:18:08
Audentia et Artis AETA 11 2009-07-27 22:52:00 2010-01-05 23:18:10
Project Stealth Squad PRO5T The Initiative. 138 2009-02-27 06:01:00 2010-01-06 22:18:56
Madison Industrial Co. MADIC 4 2009-10-29 21:09:00 2010-01-06 22:18:56
Trux Germani TRUX 12 2009-11-24 20:23:00 2010-01-07 21:24:54
Fnord Works 2305 4 2009-04-29 19:51:00 2010-01-07 21:24:54
l Black Thorns l SPINE 14 2008-11-08 05:32:00 2010-01-09 23:00:41
The Darkness Within T D W 18 2009-08-14 21:05:00 2010-01-10 22:06:54
Akirah Security A-SEK Goon Spawn 4 2008-12-12 22:06:00 2010-01-11 01:07:01
Madison Industrial Co. MADIC 4 2010-01-08 21:23:00 2010-01-22 10:08:45
Locusts. 5WARM 6 2009-10-26 17:43:00 2010-03-10 22:33:07
Cavalieri Siciliani CAV 1 2009-01-12 15:44:00 2010-03-24 19:26:06
German Friends Corp GFRC 6 2008-09-26 23:49:00 2010-03-29 23:07:30
Legion Interpolis LE-IP Synergy of Steel 44 2008-09-15 21:57:00 2010-12-01 21:12:06
German Friends Corp GFRC 6 2010-09-07 20:59:00 2011-05-14 22:39:05
Omega Directive HoldingsDead OMDH 0 2006-12-31 17:43:00 2011-10-14 05:51:56
Legion Interpolis LE-IP Synergy of Steel 44 2011-10-08 19:37:00 2012-05-08 22:06:31
Zero Tolerance Horde -ZTH- 5 2011-10-31 20:01:00 2012-05-08 22:06:31
Tactics and Researche Corporation TAR-C 3 2011-12-29 13:34:00 2012-05-11 09:58:14
Tropa Del EliteDead TROPZ 0 2012-04-12 13:48:00 2012-05-28 10:16:38
OMEGA DIRECTIVE OM.D 5 2007-01-01 20:24:00 2013-01-18 18:20:55
Di-Tronic Heavy IndustriesDead D-TRC 0 2012-04-12 13:48:00 2013-02-24 18:44:55
Fuck-your-Tax -FYT- 1 2012-04-04 10:02:00 2013-04-14 12:42:59
Bunch of rogues BELCH 3 2010-04-01 22:50:00 2013-05-26 10:43:13
German Friends Corp GFRC 6 2011-10-08 21:37:00 2013-09-01 00:03:33
EZ Bank EZB 1 2010-08-26 14:11:00 2016-05-18 12:22:33
Artifex Shipyards. A.R.S 1 2011-11-04 18:26:00 2016-05-18 12:22:33
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