Alliance Share

Immortal Suns
Name Immortal Suns
Ticker IMMOR
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2010-12-27
Closed 2015-08-04
AllianceID 99000195





Immortal Suns – Recruiting for the long view.

Immortal Suns is a growing alliance currently operating in high-sec and wormhole space. Our goal is to make both easy and possible enjoy all aspects of EVE. Whether you are a newbie just learning the game, an intermediate player exploring its possibilities, or an experienced player looking for a home we have the spot for you.

Our k-space fleets do regular mining, mission, and incursion ops. Our w-space players harvest a full range of sites in multiple wormhole systems. In addition to making bank for their members, these operations also provide the raw materials for our industry players to research and build pretty much anything they want, from beginner mods to T2 and T3 ships. Our near-term goal is to expand current operations and to extend into low-sec space. Down the road we plan to expand into null-sec as well.

What we can offer recruits who are new to the game;
- Training on whatever path you want to take, whether it be mission running, mining or wormhole.
- Support for anything you do. For example trained Orca pilots leading mining ops, group level 4 mission running, POS in the wormholes giving us greater security and ways to make money.
- Daily fleet ops in almost every field meaning you will only fly alone when you want to.
- PvP support. If you want to learn the basics of PvP and more, we can train you into a pilot to be reckoned with.
- Financial assistance for active pilots who want to get stuck into fleet ops as soon as possible.

What we can offer to experienced players;
- A chance to increase profitability and gain further experience in any new fields.
- A large number of experienced players to fleet with.
- Alliance wide projects which involve all parties. For example our goal to build a carrier in every occupied wormhole and gain complete dominance.

This alliance has been together for months working on our leadership and organisation. The basics are in place now and - with your help - we’re ready to expand into more difficult areas of the game. The requirements to join are not very hard. Spend some time in our recruiting corp getting to know us, then pick a member corp that fits for you. Inclinations to leadership are always welcome. If this sounds good, contact directors of the lead corporations
Space Reclamation Corporation / Mlin'thabbyn

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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