Alliance Share

D'Haran Empire.
Name D'Haran Empire.
Ticker DHARA
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-01-10
Closed 2013-05-13
AllianceID 99000250

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [19]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Monitor Financing and Investment Group M.FIG 1 2011-01-17 08:21:00 2011-01-29 23:31:16
Fake PhilanthropistsDead F-PHI 0 2011-03-15 17:09:00 2011-04-04 16:41:06
Ender's ProjectDead E-D-P 0 2011-02-28 01:46:00 2011-04-04 22:23:11
Menstral RetributionDead MENST 0 2011-02-23 22:46:00 2011-04-22 14:41:40
Global Defence Initiative Z0C0M 3 2011-02-25 22:45:00 2011-04-24 07:33:25
Ultratech Holdings ULT 2 2011-04-24 00:16:00 2011-05-04 07:01:38
Solisk Exploration CompanyDead SOXP 0 2011-05-25 14:23:00 2011-05-31 01:20:46
Universal Conflict CONQR 15 2011-01-16 03:00:00 2011-06-19 02:39:33
Death Troopers U.D.T PURPLE HELMETED WARRIORS 27 2011-02-25 19:45:00 2011-07-08 23:29:14
Ring of Honor R-O-H 15 2011-05-29 22:07:00 2011-07-09 02:20:18
The Real Pirates SSRP 4 2011-05-28 20:02:00 2011-07-09 02:20:18
The OAG Group TOAG 14 2011-05-30 19:38:00 2011-07-09 02:20:18
Quantum Wake QUWKE 1 2011-05-29 20:07:00 2011-07-09 02:20:18
Asteroids Civil Rights Union IKELU 3 2011-01-18 16:48:00 2011-07-15 01:49:54
The Real Pirates SSRP 4 2011-07-16 23:19:00 2011-08-03 02:00:19
Wolves of Eden TAIWA 9 2011-08-11 01:51:00 2011-08-16 07:18:26
Free Miner's Union Alliance FMUA 26 2011-08-12 03:53:00 2011-08-18 22:12:11
Asteroids Civil Rights Union IKELU 3 2011-07-21 05:38:00 2012-01-03 08:01:49
The House of Rahl. .RAHL 3 2011-01-10 18:04:00 2013-05-13 12:08:53
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