Alliance Share

Gecko Alliance
Name Gecko Alliance
Ticker GECKO
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-01-30
Closed 2013-05-25
AllianceID 99000332





Alliance CEO & Diplomat:

Please note we operate an NRDS Policy when within Providence.

This alliance has positive standings with a large majority of Prov Alliances.

The alliance is now open to new applications from corporations of any size. The alliance is primarly industry based and thus corporations of this nature have priority, however PVP corps are welcome. This is a very new alliance due to restructure.

Please evemail to discuss membership.

There are options for leadership positions for new corp CEOs and Directors within the alliance.

Alliance Diplomat Required. Please evemail if you are interested.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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